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Specialist Admixtures Enhance Residential Complex’s Concrete

Tremco CPG India's leading brand for Flooring products, Flowcrete India has worked with the Andhra Pradesh Township and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (APTIDCO) to provide advanced admixtures that would strengthen and improve the concrete used for a brand new, large-scale residential complex. APTIDCO was tasked with creating affordable housing in Andhra Pradesh. In the state’s Godavari District a large number of four-storey buildings were created to provide the region with a lot of new, high-quality residences.

Building Type
Multi-Storey Residential

Product Categories

To ensure that the concrete used in these developments would be up to the task at hand, we provided a number of its specialist concrete additives. This included 100,000mof the modified carboxylate polymer admixture Eucon HC R4 as well as 650,000 m3 of the polycarboxylate plasticising admixture Plastol 3610 V. 

Combined into the concrete, these products deliver a number of crucial construction properties. For example, Eucon HC R4 is ideal for increasing compressive strength, reducing permeability and reducing shrinkage while improving durability and the finished appearance. Plastol 3610 V provides similar advantages and is particularly effective at achieving high strength concrete very quickly and improved finishing characteristics.

During the APTIDCO project, self-compacting concrete (SCC) with 50% of the mixture replaced with GGBS was used. The M-30 grade concrete had a flow rate of 550-650 mm. 750,000 mof this concrete was installed in only 20 months and all of it met the requirements of the EFNARC guidelines for SCC